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Say hello to Fozia from Muslim Mummy blog!

Posted by OverBlog on July 17 2013

Say hello to Fozia from Muslim Mummy blog!

Fozia is married with two daughters. She has a law degree and completed her Legal Practice Course. Until April 2013, she was working with CItizen's Advice Bureau for 9 years until she was made redundant and now currently a Stay at Home mum.

Fozia writes on Muslim Mummy, a parenting and lifestyle blog. Until recently, she was using another blog platform then Fozia decided to take the plunge and become an OverBlogger !

Make sure you visit Muslim Mummy. Put your feet up, grab a cuppa and enjoy :)

I know that improvements are constantly being made so look forward to the future with OverBlog.


Say hello to Fozia from Muslim Mummy blog!

You are the founder and editor of Muslim Mummy. Can you please tell us more about it ?

Muslim Mummy is basically a parenting blog which is mainly focused on our lives as a family; kind of like a diary. I also write reviews about products that are relevant to us as a family. I also write about any current topics which I feel strongly about.

What do your family and friends think of Muslim Mummy?

My family do not know much about the blog, except my husband who knows I do 'something' online. Only a few friends know about it and they enjoy reading it and catching up with what I am getting up to.

What motivated you to blog and create it ?

I initially created a separate blog. A friend introduced me to the blogging world and suggested I blog about my work as she was fascinated by it. I was working with the Citizens Advice Bureau and I was regularly going into prison to advise prisoners. However, ensuring i did not breach client confidentiality made it difficult to blog about my work so I then started Muslim Mummy to keep things light.

Until recently, you were using another blogging platform. What convinced you to switch to OverBlog ?

It was time for a change andI liked the idea of all my social media being in one place.

What do you think about the OverBlog new version and features ?

I have been with Overblog for just a few weeks now and getting used to it. So far I have not experienced any issues and am liking it. I know that improvements are constantly being made so look forward to the future with Overblog.

The OverBlog Reader is now launched, can you please let us know how the Reader benefits to Muslim Mummy ?

The reader benefits Muslim Mummy, as I can easily follow and read other blogs through the admin panel. It also benefits my readers, even if they are not blogging on Overblog, by subscribing. It was a concern of mine that my regular readers would not be able to follow my blog as well as before as I am using a different blogging platform to most of my fellow bloggers but this helps resolve part of that problem.

What are your future aspirations for Muslim Mummy ?

I am hoping to develop Muslim Mummy further when my baby gets a bit older and have more time, to have more sections within the blog and be a resource for fellow mums if they have any questions.

Fozia posted some lines about OverBlog and why she switched over:
Say hello to Fozia from Muslim Mummy blog!


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